I know this may sound counter-productive, but getting away from your work can speed productivity and effectiveness. When we try to get more done, we stress-out and push, push, push. Instead, try unplugging from the world and relax.
When you relax and unplug (as often as possible), you're able to be more creative. You're able to see the forest through the trees. You're able to flow instead of struggle.
I know you want to go-go-go! But learning to relax and let go, and allowing yourself to unplug will help you get more done in less time. Here are some strategies I use and how you can too:
1. Vacation
Everyone loves to go on a vacation. Unfortunately though, most people view going on vacation as a once a year adventure.
This doesn't have to be the case. In fact, I suggest you don't go on vacation once a year. Instead, plan one big vacation every year with mini-vacations in between.
Here's what to do:
- Choose 4 places you want to go.
They don't have to be far away. They just have to be places you want to go. For instance, you can go to a hotel across town; you can go to the closest amusement park; or you can go to the closet ski resort (or beach if you prefer).
- Open up your calendar and block out 4 weekends over the next 12 months.
It's important to block the time for these mini-trips right away. That way you know when you're going. Also, block the time to go every 3 months. This will keep you moving forward without burnout.
- Book your flights and/or any other arrangements.
Yes, book your arrangements NOW! Make them non-refundable, so you don't back out last minute. You deserve these mini-vacations, so don't wimp out because something comes up...remember, you're important too!
2. Meditation
Meditation is wonderful. Over the past 12 months, I've started meditating on a daily basis. And in that time frame, my business has doubled and my productivity has quintupled.
Has it all been from meditation? Probably not.
BUT, one, why mess with a good thing? And two, meditation has brought me to a place in my life where my work just flows.
Things get done quickly and with less effort. Projects materialize in days or weeks instead of months or years. Life is all around just easier.
That's what I want for you. So, here's a meditation to get you started down the path of being more productive, of making more money, of living an easier life, and whatever else YOU want:
- Sit down in a quiet place and turn off ALL phones, cell phones, crackberries, or anything else that goes buzz, beep, or sings songs.
- Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Your cell phone works great...just put it on vibrate so you don't jolt your mind.
- Take 5 deep breathes from your diaphragm. This will help you clear your mind.
- Now, as you continue to breathe deeply, let your mind wander.
Don't think of anything in particular...just let go and allow thoughts to flow in and out of your mind without trying to grab any of them.
If you catch a thought by accident and start focusing on it, relax and just let it go when you catch yourself doing this.
- Congratulations! You just meditated. Nothing to it!
3. Massage
Receiving a muscle melting, mind-numbing massage lets the world pass you by...just for awhile.
Massage has a plethora of benefits. Two of the most exciting benefits when it comes to enjoying this simple pleasure are, one, stress dissolves and you can finally relax; and, two, your muscles "let go" and any tension melts away.
Getting a massage isn't hard to enjoy. However, here's a list of techniques I use to move my massage time from enjoyment to pure bliss. When receiving a massage:
- Practice breathing deeply from your diaphragm. This will allow your body to relax and your muscles to "let go".
- Imagine your muscles melting into the table. A good imagery technique is: think of your muscles as ice; and as your massage therapist presses into your muscles, they melt into the table leaving soft water instead of hard ice.
Don't think. Just relax and go with it. This may be hard at first, but the more massages you get, the easier it will become.
4. Exercise
Exercise produces endorphins in your body, which make you feel like a million bucks. Exercise also challenges you physically and allows you to forget about your worries, troubles, and problems.
While there are many exercise styles, 3 excellent styles of bodyweight exercises to help you unplug are Yoga, Calisthenics, and Tai Chi.
Here are some techniques to keep in mind while exercising:
- Breathe - keep your breath as steady as you can throughout the exercise. The more breathing you do, the more beneficial the exercise is...and as a bonus, the more fat you burn!
- Focus - keep focused on the muscles you're working. The more focus and intent you're able to put on our muscles, the harder they work...and the less you think.
- Relax - keep your body in a relaxed state. Yes, you're going to be moving, sweating, and exhausting your body; but keep relaxed and without tension or stress.
5. Walking
Yes, walking is a form of exercise, but, in this case, I'm talking about "slow walking". Slow walking is like a moving meditation. It will loosen up your mind, while allowing your blood to flow.
After a slow walk, you'll feel calm, yet energized. Carefree, yet aware. Slow walking is different from regular walking because you're not doing it for the exercise. You will be exercising your muscles during this type of walk, but that's not the purpose.
The purpose is to meditate while walking. Here's a simple technique to use:
- Start by walking at your normal pace. Preferably outside in nature, but a treadmill or indoor track will do if need be.
- Now, slow down your walk as if you are contemplating every step.
- Listen to the birds chirp and the grass grow. Clear your mind and let your thoughts wander.
- Walk for as long as you'd like without any real purpose but to let go and be one with god and nature.
Okay, so what makes all of this so special? How will this allow you to get more done?
One, you're learning to relax. And in today's fast-paced, all-go-no-stop world, you need to relax. Two, you're teaching your mind to stir up creative juices when you're relaxed. The more creative juices flowing, the more you can get done in a shorter period of time. (Most people take time to think about what they want to do instead of just letting it flow.)
You see, your subconscious mind works better when you're relaxed and NOT thinking. Let your subconscious mind do its thing and you'll reap the benefits of exploding your productivity and effectiveness!
Copyright (c) 2008 Weston Lyon
Weston Lyon is the nation's leading expert on helping crazy-busy entrepreneurs have it all - family, business, and fun! For more information and to receive over $188 in FREE gifts go to http://www.CreatingAnOutstandingLife.com
Article Source: Free Articles ArticleSnatch Article Directory
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