by Nisaandeh Neta
Creativity requires courage and is therefore avoided by the majority of people.The creative process cannot take place until you are willing to let go of what you presently have and replace it with something new.
Often it requires confronting what you are currently holding on to (e.g. an unfulfilling relationship or an unfulfilling job), choosing to leave whatever it is, and then moving into a temporary void or chaos.It is only then that sufficient space is created, allowing a new vision to begin taking form.
Most people lack the self-esteem, confidence and courage to pass through this experience of nothingness.Instead, they seek to avoid creativity and passively wait for the next predictable experience or event to happen in their lives.
People all over the planet are waiting. Waiting for their parents' approval, waiting for their boss to give them a pay rise, waiting for their lovers to bring them into a blissful orgasm...Waiting, waiting and more waiting...
At a first glance it seems that 'waiting' is harmless. But whilst those in waiting complain, whine and make excuses - they infect others with their apathy, disgust and general avoidance of contributing to the planet. Instead of participation, they simply suck off those who choose to create, complaining that 'they' have all the power, influence and fun.
The bad news is that most of us, at some time, suffer from this 'waiting' illness.
The good news is that we all can change, and do it differently, if we are willing...
Willing is a key word.
It is what creates the energy and courage to create.
Wanting, by itself, just isn't good enough.
In other words, wanting a better job, a loving relationship or a healthier body doesn't create them.
Being willing to have them is what creates them.
Being willing moves you beyond your limitations into greatness.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to simply point your finger at an empty space in your room, whisper a magic word and...POOF... whatever you ask for is suddenly manifested?
Manifesting is the magic of transforming a thought into a physical reality.
And you are capable of manifesting!
Actually, this is how everything, both positive and negative, in your reality is created.
Birds fly, fish swim and humans create. This is our nature.
Let's take this chair that you are sitting on. Someone had to think about it, design it and create it. First there was the thought, only later there was the chair. You also had first to think, "I need a chair" before you went to the shop, looked around, chose and finally purchased the chair. First there was the thought, only later, the chair...
Whether you are consciously or unconsciously creating the thought, you are the cause and therefore the creator of your life.
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