There is a life out there with your name on it and it is beyond even your wildest dreams. I can barely express in words how much I want for you to love your life! I want so much for you to experience the sublime joy that is yours when your life is your own. I however, can't do it for you. Only you can take the actions needed for you to create the life you want.
This is your call to arms. It's time to take action. Complaints and excuses get you no where. The time is now. The world has gotten to a place where most people are too busy blaming the other guy to take responsibility for their own actions. The other guy didn't create your life, you did. If you don't like where you're at right now, choose to create something different. Here is your next step: take action.
Stop wishing. Stop complaining. Stop waiting for someone else to come along and fix your life. Start getting clear about what you want. Start believing that what you want is already yours. Start taking action that moves you in the direction of your dreams and goals.
If you knew how to create the life of your dreams already, you'd have done it by now. It's time to take a new approach and learn what you need to learn to live the life of your dreams. Find someone who has done what you want to do, someone who has what you want to have and learn from them. Read books from authors you connect with, go to workshops and seminars, hire a coach if you want to, or take a class. Do something.
Unfortunately, you won't wake up tomorrow and suddenly have all the knowledge you need to create the life you want just because you decided you want it. The world requires commitment on your part. Show the world that you want something different and that you will do what it takes to get there. If you want to get the attention of the universe than start doing something different. The world around you will wake up and take notice.
If you are sitting there thinking that what you want isn't worth the effort, think again. Think about what you want that would be worth the effort because that is the dream that you are meant to be living. When you tap into the desires within your soul that are aching to come forward, you will move Heaven and Earth to have those desires be your reality. Actually, Heaven and Earth will move for you because you are a rarity in the world.
Once you decide what you want, it's time to start changing your ways. In order to have something different, you will have to try something new. This can be uncomfortable for some people, and it doesn't have to be. Treat it like an adventure. With each new experience a path unfolds before you leading you towards the life you've always wanted to have.
So how do you know what you need to do differently to reach your goals? Well, you don't. You have the choice of learning from the experiences of other people, or through your own trial and error. Really you'll do a combination of the two. You may try something that worked really well for someone else and it isn't quite right for you. That doesn't mean that you can't have what you want, it just means you'll have to try something else. Learn and move on.
Go with your gut. I can't stress the importance of your gut instincts enough. If you feel drawn to a particular person, book, or seminar, go with it. That's not necessarily me, by the way. I'm a fit for some people and I'm not for others. That's how it should be. There are resources out there that are a perfect fit for you and that are exactly what you need. Look at what is out there and go with what feels right for you.
Get help if you need it. There are people out there who specialize in helping other people have what they want in life. There is a whole industry around it called coaching and there are all different kinds of coaching specialities. There is someone out there to help you. You are not alone. I can't stress this enough either.
I am a coach. I believe very strongly in what I do and in what other coaches do. Coaches are very valuable resources to their clients because they give you individualized attention. I strongly suggest that if you are feeling stuck and aren't sure what you need to do next that you look into coaching as an option. There is a coach out there that is a fit for you and will meet your needs.
If your unhappy in your life it's time to take action and create a life you are happy about. Every resource in the world is available to help you create a life that brings you joy. Your fairy godmother has retired, so it's time to take matters into your own hands.
Go to for your free 25 minute Having It All Coaching Session with expert life design coach Stephanie Russell and receive a personalized action plan for having it all. Spaces are limited so contact today.
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