Tiger could learn a whole lot of things that he should not be doing by watching a few rounds of me hitting a golf ball.
I started out pretty good and had my 18 year old son in the hole by two strokes after 4 holes but then the wheels came off of the bus. The 10 strokes that I had on the par 4 5th hole was the beginning of the end for the anti- Tiger. Final score Kirk 54 and me 64. That was a 9 hole score guys so don't get too excited.
Speaking of Tiger. Even though I'm not a golfer I always seem to find my way in front of a TV when Tiger plays in the major tournaments. I did the same this weekend and was treated to a highly skillful, unbelievably passionate display of golf by the world's number one guy.
This guy really has it. During the broadcast there was a short video about Tiger's dad and the things that he did to make his son mentally tough. At the very end of the piece Tiger's dad was talking about his son and saying that he told his son that there is no one mentally tougher. Boy and does it ever show.
I was in the Tampa airport and was listening to two guys laughing at the fact that Tiger rents a house for $50000 per week when he plays at Pebble Beach and then he has all of the furniture taken out and brings in his own furniture. These guys thought that it was ridiculous that someone would do that. Here's a few points that these two guys and so many others miss about proper mindset.
1. Tiger doesn't even blink at the $50000 price tag. The money isn't the big thing to him but the winning and the right mental state is. He even brings in his own furniture to make himself feel at home. It's all part of a winning environment
2. Winners have a system. Tiger Woods has not become the number one player in the world by random luck. Everything he does is planned in advance. You can be sure that his mental pictures are all about winning and seeing himself on the victory stand.
3. Tiger doesn't give a hoot about what others think about his winning formula. It works for him and that's all that matters. He is a champion for a reason. He prepares to be and then follows through on the plan.
All of us could learn from the tremendous mental and physical preparation that Tiger Woods demonstrates. His goals and his plan of action to reach those goals are very clear in his mind. He is steadfast in the pursuit of his goals and makes it a point to march forward everyday. Give some thought to what you are doing and willing to do to become the best that you can be. The lessons are all around us. We just need to take the time to look, listen, and apply.
Fred Nicklaus
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