Ever wondered why you aren't getting what you desire, even when you think you are following the Law of Attraction?
One clue: Look at your "But" statements; they reveal your sneaky beliefs.
What are those? Let me give you some examples...
"I'd like someone who is physically attractive, intellectually stimulating, emotionally available, mentally stable, and spiritually expanding," I said with conviction and seriousness. Then I added, "But, I don't know if there's really anyone out there who has all of those attributes."
What do you think I got in relationships? Lot's of people who didn't have everything I wanted. Here's another...
"I want financial prosperity... But, money goes out faster than it comes in!" Guess what happens?
And another...
"I bring healthy, positive, and uplifting friendships into my life." What I added was, "But it's hard to find new connections."
Those sneaky beliefs are everywhere! Not just when saying affirmations, they often come up in conversations with others, in humorous things I say to myself, as passing thoughts.
What I say and how I think are part of my awareness, creating that energy, no matter how slight the thought is, or how frequently I might utter a statement about that thought. When the energy is there, the law of attraction does its work, effectively canceling out the affirmation that the universe wants to answer. Whether joking or serious, thoughts make up my belief system, even if I don't immediately realize they are a part of my thinking.
So, to be the container for what I want to attract in my life, I have to pay attention to what my real beliefs are regarding what I desire.
What are your "But" statements that are keeping you from being the container to receive your desires? I'll bet that whatever that statement is, you are seeing that instead of what you truly want in your life!
Awareness of what you are saying is the first step. The next step is to train yourself to say only what you want, and be very specific about it. The universe can't answer if it doesn't know what you really want. So if you are confused, get clear. Then focus your intention. The more focused your energy, the quicker you will see results.
Ask for what you truly want, then be ready to receive it. Stay focused on the positive and don't let those sneaky beliefs keep you from having what you truly desire.
Marilyn Schwader uses a unique blend of knowledge and experience with technology, e-commerce, communication, and spirituality to help her writing coaching clients create and market their work. To find more of her tips, resources, and a schedule of her webinars, teleclasses, and retreats, visit http://www.clarityofvision.com
Article Source: Free Articles ArticleSnatch Article Directory
What are those? Let me give you some examples...
"I'd like someone who is physically attractive, intellectually stimulating, emotionally available, mentally stable, and spiritually expanding," I said with conviction and seriousness. Then I added, "But, I don't know if there's really anyone out there who has all of those attributes."
What do you think I got in relationships? Lot's of people who didn't have everything I wanted. Here's another...
"I want financial prosperity... But, money goes out faster than it comes in!" Guess what happens?
And another...
"I bring healthy, positive, and uplifting friendships into my life." What I added was, "But it's hard to find new connections."
Those sneaky beliefs are everywhere! Not just when saying affirmations, they often come up in conversations with others, in humorous things I say to myself, as passing thoughts.
What I say and how I think are part of my awareness, creating that energy, no matter how slight the thought is, or how frequently I might utter a statement about that thought. When the energy is there, the law of attraction does its work, effectively canceling out the affirmation that the universe wants to answer. Whether joking or serious, thoughts make up my belief system, even if I don't immediately realize they are a part of my thinking.
So, to be the container for what I want to attract in my life, I have to pay attention to what my real beliefs are regarding what I desire.
What are your "But" statements that are keeping you from being the container to receive your desires? I'll bet that whatever that statement is, you are seeing that instead of what you truly want in your life!
Awareness of what you are saying is the first step. The next step is to train yourself to say only what you want, and be very specific about it. The universe can't answer if it doesn't know what you really want. So if you are confused, get clear. Then focus your intention. The more focused your energy, the quicker you will see results.
Ask for what you truly want, then be ready to receive it. Stay focused on the positive and don't let those sneaky beliefs keep you from having what you truly desire.
Marilyn Schwader uses a unique blend of knowledge and experience with technology, e-commerce, communication, and spirituality to help her writing coaching clients create and market their work. To find more of her tips, resources, and a schedule of her webinars, teleclasses, and retreats, visit http://www.clarityofvision.com
Article Source: Free Articles ArticleSnatch Article Directory
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