Law of attraction allows you to create anything you want in your life. But you won't be able to manifest anything if you don't first get clear about exactly what it is you want.
As superstar motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often says: "You cannot hit a target you do not have."
Think about it: If you don't have very specific goals for exactly how you want your life to be how will you apply the law of attraction to make your dreams come true?
If you simply state you'd like to "make more money" you may end up with an extra five bucks. You must get extremely clear about how much more money you want.
Of course the same is true if you want to lose weight, find a perfect mate, build a new home, etc. Don't settle for general, half-hearted notions. Be absolutely specific about what you want, down to the finest detail!
Here's a great exercise to help you fill in all the exciting details of your ideal life. Read through this article once, and then apply the suggested method for mapping out everything you'll use the law of attraction to bring into your reality.
Find a quiet spot where you can relax. Wait until you are very calm and comfortable to begin the visualization.
Then close your eyes and see yourself five years into the future. Create a crystal clear picture of what all areas of your life will be like at that time.
What kind of a home will you have?
Where will this home be located?
Who will live here with you?
How many vehicles are in the garage, and what kind of vehicles are they?
What are you doing for a living in your future movie?
How much money are you making at this time?
Get super-specific, and call forth the most vivid images you possibly can. See yourself enjoying every aspect of your life.
And don't stop with just the visual imagery. To really harness the power of the law of attraction you'll need to also engage your other senses. Allow yourself to hear the sounds, touch the environment around you, even smell and taste the things in your vision.
And most importantly focus on the strong, positive emotions that come with your imagined success. Feel the joy, peace of mind, pride, satisfaction, and excitement that come with accomplishing all the great things you see yourself having and doing in this visualization.
Don't leave anything out, and don't hold back. Put all your intention into building this picture of you enjoying the life of your dreams.
Really get caught up in the process, until you honestly feel like you are there, in your future experience. Then smile as broadly as possible and hold your smile for several seconds.
Enjoy this visualization exercise for five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, as long as you want. You should feel genuinely elated afterwards.
At the end of your session, you can even take out a piece of paper and write down what you saw. This reinforces your mental imagery tremendously, as our subconscious minds tend to place serious emphasis on the things we write down.
Make time for the above practice as often as possible, but no more than once each day. And after only a few times you will develop a very deep connection with exactly how you want your life to be.
You will have no doubt as to what you want. And you'll live with the utmost confidence that your dream life is on its way to you.
Practice this creative manifestation mapping for six months and it will probably blow your mind. This is one of the most powerful and direct ways for experiencing the power of the law of attraction.
Quickly and easily discover how to use the law of attraction in every part of your life. Download the original law of attraction book today and begin living exactly the life you most desire.
Article Source: Free Articles ArticleSnatch Article Directory
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1 comment:
I totally agree with your article. infact I use the law of attration like we use gravity, its fun, and results are just miracles for me
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