The Inner Self And Free Will.
Are we as humans, free to select our goals, determine our future and correct our faults? Considering that we are part of a larger mental and emotional whole within a society, consisting of cultures, and environment of laws, do we as individuals have the ability to control and change ourselves as well as alter our surroundings? Is our surroundings akin to a lake and we are simply a drop of water amongst trillions of other drops?
This is an important question because if our lives are totally determined by our environment, than we are simply creatures of conditions. If we are intelligent beings who are able to decipher the laws of history, society, and politics then we should also understand our position and avoid situations that could potentially harm us or others. The fact is, most people don't understand political ambitions and actions and are unable to evaluate their potential. If we could discern the roots of evil, would we then, prevent it?
The problem is, we are subjected to the laws of the land and our experience is in how well we are able to control them. Control comes from planning and planning stems from a well structured mind.
If we are indeed able to alter and create our future, would we then, create a world of peace and tranquility? But that is not the case, we clearly are only able to partially manipulate that which directly effects ourselves. We are able to control that which projects from within but not that which is external. We are beings that perceive life from the inside out, while the world sees us from the outside in.
What is our self? Our inner being or me that perceives the world and deciphers our experience. Our self is continuous in time as a force that recognizes its own position. The self is manifest through natural observation which is our psychological makeup. Our perception of events are limited and determined through our life experiences. Each experience piled upon the other, makes up a total lifespan.
First. is the personality or ego, which is ourselves receiving and judging the world. It also organizes and controls our mental activities.
Third. is the superego, which sets the rules that guide the self as well as other attributes such as abilities and temperaments involving self limitations and motivation for achieving goals.
Fourth. is freedom of choice. Our self has the power to exert conscious control over our actions, excises, options, reasoning, feelings of worth and prods the itself into action.Fifth. Willpower. Our willpower gives us the power to reject, concepts, reality, decipher right from wrong, and self-realization.
Freedom Of Choice.Freedom of choice is, in itself a natural power, and attribute of self but are we, as humans, really free to choose? Essentially, freedom is the ability of the individual to choose or create his/her own actions. Free choice is enacted upon demand and enables us to deal directly with any given problem but environment plays a heavy role in our choice process.
Creating Choices.If we have free choice then are we able to create our choices? We can and do originate choices but at the same time we are subject to others actions\choices. We can, however, choose to reject or accept others choices.
The Question Of Influence.There is always the question of influence swaying our choice and therefore the choice was not really free. A solution to this phenomenon would to unite both freedom and necessity to accomplish the best end. Logic would dictate the correct avenue to take in most choices. Each choice should be assessed for its value and potentiality as it contributes to our future. As a free will self with the gift of choice, we are free to avoid conditions and progress towards that which might be.
Happy TrailsAbout the Author
“Former Development coordinator for Imperial Research, author, Spiritual Adviser, Donald Yates is now retired but continues to expand through Self Discovery. Learn how you can also. Go to.”
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