A client of mine asked me today about the law of attraction.
She told me she'd read a bunch of books about it, seen some movies, but somehow it just didn't seem to work for her. She kept thinking positive thoughts, saying dozens of affirmations every day but, after six months of doing those things, nothing in her life had changed. She wanted to know what she was doing wrong.With so much stuff out there these days, it's almost impossible to separate what's real from what's just plain crap.
Let me first just say that the law of attraction, or whatever you choose to call it, is real. I know this because I've seen it work in my own life and in the lives of my clients. But it's working constantly, even when you don't want it to. If you don't consciously attract, then you unconsciously attract. This can be a very bad thing.I'm not going to get into the science behind all this in this article, however. Instead, I'm going to give you a practical exercise, the one I use on a daily basis, to create the life you've always wanted. No fluff, no theory. Time to lock and load.
The first thing you need to do is to learn to relax. Relaxing the body is a necessity if you're going to reach your subconscious mind, which is what we're going to do. I've practiced in lying, sitting, and reclining positions, and find reclining to be the most effective. Try each position yourself, and find which one suits you the best.After you find a comfortable position, you'll need to do some sort of progressive relaxation exercise, usually accompanied with some deep breathing. You can find these types of exercises on books about hypnosis, or just do a Google search for progressive relaxation. As long as your body is relaxed, almost any method will do.
After you're completely relaxed, you then imagine what life will be like when your goal is achieved. Now, when I say imagine, most people think of only using their vision, but that's only a small part of it. You see, we're trying to fool your subconscious mind into believing this is a real experience. To do that, you've got to use all five of your senses.How do you do that? Well, to be honest, it sometimes takes some practice. There are some daily exercises you might do, like imagine you're walking on a beach. You feel your bare feet touching the hot sand. You see the yellow sun lighting a blue sky. You taste the salt on your upper lip. You hear the gulls flying overhead. You smell the moisture from the waves.
When you do this kind of exercise to manifest things in your life, you've also got to feel emotion. If you can't get emotionally worked up over your goal, then you really don't desire it enough to manifest it. You either need to change it in some way, or drop it altogether.Lots of times, people tell me they lose their concentration when trying to do this kind of work. And, so I've read, the average attention span is about six seconds. To this, I have two things to say.
First of all, with continued practice, your attention span will increase. Because you are embedding yourself in the scene you are imagining, you sometimes even forget where you are physically. This is the desired state. This is where the magic truly happens.Secondly, if you find your mind wandering aimlessly, you might record your voice and play that while visualizing. For instance, on the tape you might say, "You feel the breeze from the ocean blowing your hair, and hear the gulls above you." I've made hundreds of tapes like these for my clients, and they work beautifully.
Also, you will need to watch your food intake when doing this kind of exercise. Too much food in your stomach could cause problems, as can too little. If you're hungry beforehand, maybe have a piece of cheese or a couple crackers.It's important to keep in mind that manifestation exercises are limited, in that they only bring you opportunities to achieve your goals. They do not manifest the goals themselves.
For instance, if you're doing exercises to manifest a new love in your life, yet you never leave your apartment, the chances of your dream mate showing up at your door are almost nil. You've got to do the leg work. You've got to educate yourself in the area of your choosing, and trust that the Universe will provide those opportunities that will lead to the realization of your goal.Nothing is free. For everything, there is a price. Using the law of attraction is certainly no exception.
About the AuthorGregory McGuire is a successful network marketer and hypnotherapist living in Smyrna, Tennessee.
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