Wisdom of Our Soul
by jkhbraveheart
Not too long ago, I was living in a world outside of myself. Happiness eluded me and I mostly felt scattered and lost. Today, I live from the inside out. Joy is a constant in my life and I’ve become a woman who is grounded, purposeful and full of gratitude!
What made the difference?
I use to always look outside of myself for my happiness. I thought if someone could just tell me what I’m supposed to do with my life then I could be happy and fulfilled. When the answers I received from various voices of all types of people didn’t feel right to me, then I went shopping!
After years of frustration and confusion and when my shopping sprees no longer sufficed, I finally gave in to this prodding yet gentle and loving voice within me that had been patiently trying to get my attention for so long! That’s when I realized I had been missing out on the most important voice of all, the voice of my soul.
Are you listening to the guidance of your soul?
Whether you realize it or not, your soul is speaking to you right now and is the one voice that will always feel right to you. Your soul is always seeking to guide you on your journey and your soul speaks to you through your dreams, flashes of insight and most of all through that deep inner voice within. Are you paying attention?
All the answers to everything we seek are within us! However, we live in a world filled with unlimited distractions and most of us have a mind full of ceaseless chatter. It’s no wonder I use to be oblivious to my soul’s guidance! I remember how excited I was when I became aware of this powerful voice. Then the question arose, ‘how do I quiet my mind and become still long enough to connect with my soul so I could receive this valuable information and wisdom’?
Here are 3 ways that can assist you to live from the inside out:
1 – Meditation. This wonderful practice has become my daily morning ritual. It requires discipline, consistency and patience and it is so worth it! With repetition, you’ll find that you expand your consciousness and become more aware of the guiding voice of your soul.
2 – Spiritual Hypnosis. This is a process where the hypnotist guides you into a deep meditative state of profound relaxation, and through a powerful visualization technique assists you to invite your soul in where you can ask questions and receive guidance.
3 – Subconscious Programming. Now here’s a simple yet powerful method you can begin using today to program your subconscious mind to recognize when your soul is speaking to you.
In a special notebook, write in cursive (a right brain activity) positive declarations of what you want to create. The best time to do this is when your subconscious mind is naturally most open to suggestion, which is right before you sleep at night. For lasting results, write these declarations every night for 30 days.
Here are some examples to get you started:
I am open and receptive to the guidance from my Soul.
I intuitively know when my Soul is speaking to me.
I am grateful that my Soul always guides me in the right direction.
The best gift I ever gave myself was learning to become still and open to the voice of my soul. I encourage you to incorporate these practices into your daily routine. Imagine your reward: You will always be guided in the right direction by the wisest voice of all, the voice of your soul!
About the Author
Businesswoman, Friend, Collaborator, and Team player, Amy Huentelman fulfills her Entrepreneurial Calling by offering a great service that enriches the lives of others. Together with other fellow BraveHeart Community members, her goal is to empower Women to be multi-dimensional success stories and inspiration to others. Be Sure to Visit: Be a BraveHeart Woman
Article Source: Content for Reprint
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